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OPEN HOUSE – City and County Manager Think Tanks

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You’ve heard about the City and County Manager Think Tank and want to learn more without any pressure of being sold. You want to hear from other City Managers and County Administrators why this could be a valuable way to improve performance.

Meet with City Managers and County Administrators that are already participating in Virtual Think Tanks. This is a great opportunity to just drop in during lunch and ask a few questions.

Upcoming Open House Events:

OPEN HOUSE – October 8 @ 11:30am EST / 8:30am PST

OPEN HOUSE – October 22 @ 2:30pm EST / 11:30am PST

More Events

Ask the participants directly:

  • What do you get out of the Virtual Think Tank?
  • What do you do in a Think Tank?
  • How is it different than the other City/County Manager events?

This is a no obligation opportunity to learn about the Virtual Think Tanks from those that are currently participating. A free discussion and information sharing to answer any and all of your questions.

Virtual City and County Manager Think Tank <– Click for information on the Think Tanks for County Administrators and City Managers.

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