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ANNOUNCEMENT: Second Nationwide Think Tank

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We know first-hand that running a local government means navigating a lot of uncertainty and doubt. This has never been more true than in 2020. This year it has been necessary and routine to address never before seen challenges in real time, without a playbook.

That is why we introduced Virtual City and County Manager Think Tanks. The Virtual Think Tanks provide Chief Administrative Officers with a safe environment outside of the public eye to discuss issues and identify solutions among a trusted group of County Administrators and City Managers.

The professionally facilitated format is not one directional training or simple best practice sharing. The County Administrator and City Manager Think Tank is an avenue to dig deeper to tap into the group mind and gain valuable insights from the assembled group.

Key Elements

  • Private/Confidential Meetings
  • Professionally facilitated format
  • Proven process
  • Limited to 12 members
  • City Managers / County Administrators & Assistants only
  • Built for Diversity
    • Community (location, type, size, etc.)
    • Individual (age, gender, race, experience, etc.)
  • Meetings are once per month – 90 minutes

Join a Think Tank

A Second Nationwide Think Tank for County Administrators and City Managers.

The first nationwide City and County Manager Think Tank is at capacity and has already started meeting and processing issues as a group. There is only one member per state in the group with members evenly distributed between Counties and Cities. The group even has as many women as it does men.

A second group is being formed that will meet on the 3rd Friday of every month at 11AM EST / 8AM PST for 90 minutes each month. Invitations will be offered to ensure an equally diverse group to ensure as many viewpoints are in the room as possible. If you would like to learn more about it and see if the City and County Manager Think Tank is right for you, please fill out the form to Join a Think Tank.

This is just the beginning. We can’t wait to hear how you envision the Virtual City and County Manager Think Tank can improve your growth as a professionals or the performance of your community.

Rob Duncan is the Managing Director of Imagine That Performance, dedicated to enhancing leadership in local government through professional facilitation and tailored executive development programs. With over 30 years of experience, Rob has served as a trusted consultant and interim manager for various cities and counties. He founded Imagine That Performance in 2020 to create innovative solutions like Think Tanks and the VisionSync Summit, focusing on aligning leadership with community goals. Rob’s expertise in organizational development and leadership team development empowers local government

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